Teaching Faculty

Jill Ross

Jill Ross is a Visual Artist, Pastor and Spiritual Director who runs an Art Studio and Spiritual Direction Practice, “Making Wholeness from the Broken Bits.” from her home in Napa, California, she leads workshops and retreats both in English and in Spanish, teaching glass mosaic as a way to connect art and faith. She has been commissioned to work with faith communities to create individual and group projects that allow participants both to reflect inwardly and make a finished project. Her work has been featured in galleries and exhibits throughout the Pacific Northwest and she is on the faculty of the Grünewald Guild, Leavenworth Washington. Jill served on the original planning team for “Abriendo Caminos” at Holden Village over twenty years ago.

  • August 12 - August 15
    • Arts and Crafts


      Holden Village is a community where your questions are valued and encouraged. Most programs led by visiting teaching faculty occur during the summer months. However, Holden also invites faculty to teach sessions for special events and retreats throughout the rest of the year.
      Check out a list of the 2024 Summer Faculty.